Surakarta, 27 July 2020 Course S1-Mechanical Engineering University of eleven March (UNS) held a socialization of interest conducted online through Google Meet. At the socialization of this interest was attended by students S1-techniques UNS Machine from the 2017-2019 class. Speakers on the socialization of this interest there are 6 people, namely Heru Sutanto (students S1-engineering machine UNS Force 2016) on energy interests, Adam Fikrullah (student S1-Machine Engineering UNS Force 2016) on material interest, Benardus placenta (student S1-Machine Engineering UNS Force 2016) on the interest of designing manufacturing with static simulations, Billy Yansa (S1 student-engineering machine UNS Force 2016) on interest simulation CFD, Rivananda R. S. (Students S1-engineering UNS, Force 2016) on the interest of Smart Material and Actuator , and Hasfi Hazimi (S1 students of UNS Machine Engineering Force 2016) on the interest of simulation design.
The socialization of this time is done online through Google Meet. This is because the Covid-19 pandemic, which resulted in a live face meeting, could accelerate the transmission of Covid-19. At the socialization of this interest, the speakers presented the material and sharing about the interests taken by each speaker.
On this socialization, the speakers told them about the interest that the speaker had taken. In the case of the design, the excess is not necessary to go to the laboratory to test the material used, but the support is that the laptop used can be damaged when used continuously. In the interest of the experiment, the ride is on the test equipment in the UNS laboratory which is incomplete or damaged.
Themes used in the final task can be from their own initiative, or from lecturers. But the speakers suggest that they get from their own initiative, so they know what they will be. The interest to be taken can be thought now after the socialization of this interest, because already know the difficulty in the interest to be taken. However, Mas Adam said that can also after the KP, because from the KP also made a thesis. The most important thing in taking interest is not to ikut-ikutan a friend, because if Ikut-ikutan a friend, doing the script must be half-hearted and not intention. In addition, we must know the advantages we have where when studying so that when working on the thesis, work with pleasure.