Seesaw Manufacturing at Mekarsari Tourism Park in Kaligentong Village, Boyolali Regency to Increase Tourism Potential and Develop Children’s Coordination

Seesaw Manufacturing at Mekarsari Tourism Park in Kaligentong Village, Boyolali Regency to Increase Tourism Potential and Develop Children’s Coordination

Boyolali, 7 July 2023– Lecturers and students who are members of the Metal Processing and Technology research group, Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, are doing community service by making playground rides in the form of seesaw swings which are implemented in Mekarsari Park. Mekarsari Park, which is located in Kaligentong Village, Gladagsari District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province, is a form of revitalization of the local community’s household waste disposal site. Dedication is carried out to provide a play space for early childhood by paying attention to material and immaterial aspects.

Through rides in the form of a seesaw swing, it can reduce the open empty space in the park which can be used as a place for children to play and study. In addition, children can increase their confidence and courage to face something new. Coordination and balance are needed when playing the seesaw. Not only that by playing this game children also learn to work with each other.

This community service shows that this mechanical engineering course has applicability to solving problems that exist in society, for example making our children’s playground with a design with careful calculations that can be installed outdoors. Hopefully our dedication from this mechanical engineering study program can bring benefit and prosperity to the people who visit Mekarsari Park in general.

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