The Importance Of Understandability In Software Development

More often than not, we find ourselves boarding the train midway through, with little or no control over how it got there. And so, we must start tracking and managing Understandability as its own key metric, maximizing engineering velocity and quality, even under less than optimal conditions. We now have a better perspective on the importance of Understandability in software development. On the one hand, we always knew that keeping code easy to read and maintain was important and that much of software engineering was focused on that feat. And yet, we now have a greater appreciation for how much of a difference it can make in allowing software to grow and evolve over time.

Runtime reliability determinations are similar to tests, but go beyond simple confirmation of behaviour to the evaluation of qualities such as performance and interoperability with other code or particular hardware configurations. Regardless of the criticality of any single software application, it is also more and more frequently observed that software has penetrated deeply into most every aspect of modern life through the technology we use. It is only expected that this infiltration will continue, along with an accompanying dependency on the software by the systems which maintain our society. As software becomes more and more crucial to the operation of the systems on which we depend, the argument goes, it only follows that the software should offer a concomitant level of dependability. In other words, the software should behave in the way it is intended, or even better, in the way it should. Whereas quality of conformance is concerned with implementation , quality of design measures how valid the design and requirements are in creating a worthwhile product.

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The easier it is to collect the information you need and the less information you will need to see the bigger picture. The less you understand, the more you will find yourself relying on other people, struggling to collect more information. If all else fails, you just may find yourself pushing log lines to production to try and figure out what is going on. This includes the operating system, container runtime, language runtime, multi-threading model, databases in use, and so much more. We all had that eureka moment where a colleague approached us to report a bug, and even before we finished the sentence, we knew what was wrong and in which line of code should fix it. Unfortunately, in complex software environments, more often than not, that’s not the case.

  • In such cases, the prototype should be shown to some representative sample of the population of potential purchasers.
  • Abstraction simply means to hide the details to reduce complexity and increases efficiency or quality.
  • While requirements are meant to specify what a program should do, design is meant, at least at a high level, to specify how the program should do it.
  • Cohesion refers to the degree to which elements within a module work together to fulfill a single, well-defined purpose.
  • For example, reliability is a software quality factor, but cannot be evaluated in its own right.
  • These designs are described in detail in their respective sections and enable new developers to understand their overall architecture quickly.
  • A software architecture that is both stable and understandable will be easier to maintain, evolve, and extend over time, reducing the risk of errors and improving the overall quality of the system.

What all of those IT use cases have in common is that someone, with a basic working knowledge of the system, needs to know exactly how the system behaved in a specific instance so that they can respond to it appropriately. This means we collect data about a predefined set of events, which tends to be about how the system is interacting with the world around it. In such organizations, Understandability takes on an even more powerful form, determining how well engineers can understand how the software operates and how it is being utilized by the application’s customers. The system must be presented using a predefined set of sources (source code, documentation, etc.) to cover all key information. No critical pieces of information may be left to the engineer’s imagination.

Agile Software Development

Simply put, the more code that’s written, the more complex and interdependent it becomes. It becomes harder to comprehend its behavior and, unfortunately, much more difficult to get the data you need from that code to help you understand what’s going on in there. The architecture of a system can be viewed as the overall structure of the system & the way in which structure provides conceptual integrity of the system. The architectural design identifies the software as a system with many components interacting with each other. At this level, the designers get the idea of the proposed solution domain. Architecture simply means a technique to design a structure of something.

understandability in software engineering

“Compatibility” is a new characteristic, with “co-existence” moved from “portability” and “interoperability” moved from “functionality”. ISO/IEC 9126 distinguishes between a defect and a nonconformity, a defect being “The nonfulfilment of intended usage requirements”, whereas a nonconformity is “The nonfulfilment of specified requirements”. A similar distinction is made between validation and verification, known as V&V in the testing trade. The elaboration phase encompasses the communication and modeling activities of the generic process model. Contribute to the GeeksforGeeks community and help create better learning resources for all.

Introduction to Software Engineering/Quality

Lack of understanding of a program’s overall structure and functionality is a sure way to fail to detect errors in the program, and thus the use of better languages should, conversely, reduce the number of errors by enabling a better understanding. Maintainability includes concepts of modularity, understandability, changeability, testability, reusability, and transferability from one development team to another. Of a service is the ability of a person to understand the function of the service without having any knowledge of other services. For instance, if a banking application implements a checking account service that does not implement a deposit function but instead relies on the client to use a separate deposit service, this would detract from the service’s modular understandability.

understandability in software engineering

When dealing with safety-critical systems, the acronym reliability, availability, maintainability and safety is frequently used. Together, reliability, availability, serviceability, usability and installability, are referred to as RASUI. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. QCon San Francisco International Software Conference returns this October 2-6.

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However, when internal implementation details are exposed in the case of a Leaky Encapsulation smell, the public interface of the abstraction may become more complex, affecting its understandability. ISO/IEC then started work on SQuaRE , a more extensive series of standards to replace ISO/IEC 9126, with numbers of the form ISO/IEC 250mn. For instance, ISO/IEC was issued in 2005, and ISO/IEC 25010, which supersedes ISO/IEC , was issued in March 2011. ISO has eight product quality characteristics (in contrast to ISO 9126’s six), and 31 subcharacteristics. Once the high-level design is complete, a detailed design is undertaken.

You can also listen to the Page It to the Limit podcast that accompanies this blog post, here. If you have a clear mental image of the application in your mind, and high-quality data is available to you, you can expect to perform reasonably well in all of those tasks. You’ll be able to make faster and better decisions in every situation and are much more likely to be able to resolve it yourself. If you have a poor understanding of the application, you won’t likely perform as well. It is the probability that the software performs its intended functions correctly in a specified period of time under stated operation conditions, but there could also be a problem with the requirement document… A number of agile methodologies use testing early in the development cycle to ensure quality in their products.

In other languages

The solution should be described in broad ways that cover a wide range of different things at a higher level of abstraction and a more detailed description of a solution of software should be given at the lower level of abstraction. A good software design should have the ability to adapt and accommodate changes easily. It includes designing the software in a way, that allows for modifications, enhancements, and scalability without requiring significant rework or causing major disruptions to the existing functionality. The efficiency of the software can be estimated from the design phase itself, because if the design is describing software that is not efficient and useful, then the developed software would also stand on the same level of efficiency.

The modular understandability of a service can also be limited if the service supports more than one distinct business concept. For example, a service called CustomerCheckingAccount that mixes the semantics of both a customer service and a checking account service also limits modular understandability. The modular understandability is especially important for services, because any unknown consumer can find and use a service at any time.

Understandability in existing software

So, modularity in design has now become a trend and is also important. If the system contains fewer components then it would mean the system is complex which requires a lot of effort but if we are able to divide the system into components then the cost would be small. A good software design aims to create a system that is easy to understand, modify, and maintain over time. This involves using modular and well-structured design principles eg.. Maintainability in software Design also enables developers to fix bugs, enhance features, and adapt the software to changing requirements without excessive effort or introducing new issues.

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