Twenty Sober Activities That are More Fun than Using Drugs or Drinking

Just be careful to find a league that is more about sports and isn’t just an excuse to get together and drink. Exercise has also been shown to be highly effective at combating depression, which can often be an issue for addicts who are new to recovery. For more resources on sticking to sobriety, Ria Health can help. When you sign up, you’ll gain access to anti-craving prescriptions, coaching meetings, and more—all from your smartphone.

The good news is that with some experimentation and by doing new things, you open up a whole new, exciting world for yourself. Certainly, many of the items on this list may not interest you – everyone is different. Maybe you’ll get ideas from just a few. Some are more oriented to females than males and vice versa. Some require money and some don’t.

Sober Things to Do During the Day

Or, cull down your food waste and toss your veggie scraps and ends into the freezer, then make a stock! Let ‘er simmer all day long and enjoy the aromas that come with it. Call your parent or grandparent, cousin, aunt, nephew—you get it.

What happens after 1 year of no alcohol?

Without alcohol in your life, you'll get better sleep, and wake up without a hangover. This can lead to more energy and productivity. You'll also experience long-term improvements in your health and reduced risk of alcohol-related conditions, like heart and liver complications.

In fact, we heard from our Instagram followers that wintertime can be triggering for many of you. It’s cold and you just don’t want to go out and do anything… but that can lead to behaviors that threaten your sobriety. Cooking and baking can be a fun experiment. There are endless recipes to be inspired by, and the process of cooking and baking often reduces stress.

Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Dust off your collection, bring out the chips, pretzels, sodas, and energy drinks, and make it an exciting night. The same can be done with video games. In fact, if you have some friends who are out of sober activities boston your local area, just hop online and hang out with them on Discord, a gaming chat program. You can even stream gameplay for one another. A high level of self-care is essential for continued recovery.

Here are some ideas for getting out and about and having a sober good time. Enjoying everyday life is an important part of sobriety. Through the activities above, you can see how you have many choices on how to spend your free time. You start practicing this sober lifestyle in rehab. Plan and throw a sober dinner party, whether on your own or with a co-hosting friend. Plan a night out for sober fun, such as at a sporting event or movie.

Be in Nature

Start with our crisp dealcoholized sauvignon blanc for your next sober get-together. Board games are having a bit of a renaissance right now. That means there are tons of great options — and we don’t mean new versions of Monopoly. Invite a few family members or new friends and break out the board games. Finding ways to nurture your own mental health and wellbeing in sobriety is a top recommendation from therapists at Monument. This can include taking baths, journaling, meditating, or going to therapy.

It can also cause you to lose touch with the little pleasures in life. Simple things like taking time to be by yourself and read a good book often get replaced with long nights out at bars, or parties. Sober bars and pop-up events are becoming increasingly popular in cities across the world. Enjoy finely-crafted non-alcoholic drinks in the company of other sober people with all the atmosphere of a bar or nightclub. Take a look for sober bars or events in your area and enjoy some much-needed relaxation. Laying off drinking means you’ll have extra time for self-care sober activities.

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