Dr. Zainal Arifin, S.T., M.T.
Research interests in Solar Cell, Nanomaterial, Manufacturing
Email : zainal_arifin@staff.uns.ac.id
Zainal works in the research of photoanode manufacturing and nanofibre as important elements in solar cells. Development of photoanode such as single and multi layer is conducted by two methods: direct deposition and doctor blade. There are some research works funded by Ristekdikti and PNBP UNS. Zainal is also active in publishing his research in conference and international journal including, JESTEC, Photoenergy Journal, Energies Journal and so on.

2. “Improving stability of chlorophyll as natural dye for dye-sensitized solar cells. Arifin Zainal, Soeparman, S., Widhiyanuriyawan, D., Suyitno, Setyaji, A.T. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering). 2018”.
3. “Performance Enhancement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using a Natural Sensitizer. Arifin Z., Soeparman S., Widhiyanuriyawan D., Suyitno. International Journal of Photoenergy. Hindawi Publisher. 2017”.
4. “Synthesis, Characterisation, and Fabrication Hollow Fibres of Zn-Doped TiO2 for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Arifin Z., Soeparman S., Widhiyanuriyawan D., Purwanto A., Dharmanto. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Taylor’s Publisher. 2017”.
Grants and Patents:
1 Mesin Pengering Semprot. Paten No. P00201807790 (2018).
2 Metode Pewarnaan Kain Batik Dengan Menggunakan Pewarna Alam Kuning Dan Pewarna Alam Merah. Paten No. P00201508269. (2015).
3 Metode Pembuatan Campuran Kodoping Zinc Oksida, Alumunium, Dan Kobal Untuk Piezoelektrik. Paten No. P00201508267. (2015).
4 Mesin Elektrospining Untuk Produksi Material Serat Nano. Paten No. P00201508265. (2015).
5 Pemanen Energi Sistem Hibrid Antara Sel Surya Dan Piezoelektrik. Paten No. P00201507510. (2015).
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