Prof. Dr. techn. Suyitno, S.T., M.T.
Research interests in Applied Energy, Nanomaterial, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Solar Cells, Refrigeration, Drying, Gasification
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Suyitno is a full professor in Mechanical Engineering Department of Sebelas Maret University. Suyitno Graduated from the Bandung Institute of Technology for his bachelor. In year 2001, he completed his master’s study from Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology with GPA 4.0. In 2007, Suyitno graduated from doctoral program from the Institute of Thermal Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria. He has experienced as principal investigator more than 30 studies. He holds 2 granted patent and 5 pending patents. He also published 2 books. He published 45 manuscripts indexed by SCOPUS. His research interests are applied energy, pyrolysis, Drying, Gasification, Refrigeration, Technoeconomy, Nanomaterials, Biogas, and Dye-Solar Cells. He also masters several software for energy analysis such as FLUENT, ANSYS, APEN PLUS, ASPEN HYSYS, and RATSCREEN.

2. Effect of light and temperature on the efficiency and stability of curcumin-dye-sensitized solar cells. Suyitno, Agustia, Y.V., Hidajat, L.L.G., Kristiawan, B., & Wibowo, A.H. International Energy Journal, 18, 53-60, 2018.
3. Fabrication and utilization of Zinc Oxide nanofibres for semiconductors of photovoltaic- and piezoelectric-based hybrid generators. Suyitno, Wibowo, A.H., Yusuf, M., Mujahidin, D., & Danardono, D. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 12, 3173-3187, 2017.
4. Fabrication and characterization of zinc oxide-based electrospun nanofibers for mechanical energy harvesting. Suyitno, S., Purwanto, A., Hidayat, R.L.L.G., Sholahudin, I., Yusuf, M., Huda, S., & Arifin, Z. Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 5, 2014, DOI: 10.1115/1.4027447
Grants and Patents:
2. Method for Hydrogen Enrichment in Syngas of Gasification /P00201201175. Granted: IDP000050366. 23 Maret 2018
3. Metode Pewarnaan Kain Batik dengan Menggunakan Pewarna Alam Kuning dan Pewarna Alam Merah/P00201508269
4. Mesin Elektrospinning untuk Produksi Material Serat Nano/P00201508265 5. Metode Pembuatan Campuran Kodoping Zinc Oksida, Alumunium, dan Kobal untuk Piezoelektrik/P00201508267
6. Proses Pengolahan Biomasa Semi Padat menjadi Biogas dan Pupuk Organik/ P00201705694.
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