Prof. Dr. Joko Triyono, S.T., M.T.
Research interests in Biomaterials Engineering
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Joko Triyono received his BE degree from Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology (ITS) Surabaya in year 1993 and Master of Technology at the same University in year 2003. He passed Ph.D degree from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta in year 2015 in Biomedical Engineering Study Program. Since 1997, he has been working at Mechanical Department Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta, Indonesia. He has published several papers in International and journal. Until now, his research in the field of biomedical engineering included the development of material in the orthopedic field such as the development of bone graft material from bovine bone material and eggshell, the use of shellac as a filler for biocomposites material and the development titanium implant material based on CT Scan data.

2. Effect of heat bed temperature of 3D bioprinter to hardness and compressive strength of scaffold bovine hydroxyapatite, Joko Triyono, Aditya Pratama, Heru Sukanto, Yohanes Nugroho, Agung Tri Wijayanta, International Conference of Industrial Mechanical Electrical Chemical Engineering, 2018
Grants and Patents:
1. Alat Bakar untuk Proses Peleburan Logam Berbahan Bakar Oli Bekas, Paten Sederhana (granted), IDS000001563, 2017
2. Komposisi bahan biofotokomposit untuk aplikasi organ keras dan metode pembuatannya, Paten (granted), IDP000054919, 2018
3. Metode Pembuatan Material Sendi Tulang Pinggul Tiruan (Artificial Hip Joint) Berdasarkan Data CT Scan Pasien, Usulan paten Nomor permohonan paten: SID201905870, 2019
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