Dr. Eng. Indri Yaningsih, S.T., M.T.
Research interests in Heat transfer enhancement on heat exchanger, adsorption dehumidification system
Email : indriyaningsih@staff.uns.ac.id; indriy@kyudai.jp
The main focus of my research is on thermal energy conversion system, particularly on studying the science of fluid flows, including energy content and its transport with a low environmental impact. My research is about an experimental and numerical study on the heat transfer enhancement of the heat exchanger to save the energy, reduce the material leading to compact and low-cost heat exchangers. These results are further extended to be applied to the sorption system for air conditioning, which focuses on enhancing the heat and mass transfer of air and air heat exchanger. The development of the alternative material with high adsorption capacity of water vapor also becomes my research interest.

2. Indri Yaningsih, Mohammad Hamid Mahmood, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Experimental study on dehumidification technology using honeycomb desiccant block, Evergreen, 5(2), 11-18, 2018, June, 4.
3. Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Analysis of heat and mass transfer characteristics of desiccant dehumidifier system with honeycomb configuration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 144, 658-669, 2018, November.
4. Indri Yaningsih, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Thermal hydraulic characteristics of turbulent single-phase flow in an enhanced tube using louvered strip insert with various slant angles, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 134, 355-362, 2018, December.
Grants and Patents:
2. Research grant for Investigation on Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics in A Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger with Double Sided Delta-Winglet Tape Insert, 2016, Institute for Research and Community Services, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Indonesia.
3. Young Researcher Awards on International Sorption Heat Pump Conference (ISHPC), 2017, Tokyo, Japan.
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