Surakarta, November 6, Prodi S1 – Mechanical Engineering (UNS) held regular activities from the Academic Division of KMTM UNS 2020, namely Authorship Training Webinar conducted online through zoom. Pthere is a Webinar on Authorship Training attended by students from the department of S1-Mechanical Engineering Universitas Sebelas Maret from all forces, Secretary General of the Family of Mechanical Engineering Students (KMTM) UNS itself, namely Mas Geraldy Rivan Pratama,and also attended by Kaprodi S1-Mechanical Engineering (UNS), namely Dr. Eko Surojo S.T., M.T. Speakers at this Authorship Training Webinar are lecturers from S1-Mechanical Engineering (UNS), namely Prof.Tech.Suyitno,S.T., M.t.,and dosesn from S1-Electrical Engineering (UNS) namely Prof. Ir. Muhammad Nizam, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM.

The purpose of this authorship training is to provide information to students who participate in this training so that in the future it can be easier in terms of scientific authorship. This training is also very important because it will be useful for them in the future to face their thesis. As for the materials conveyed during authorship training such as: Ways that we can use if we want to pour our ideas into the essay, among others, namely: 1. Write the keywords that will later be included in the title; 2. Brainstorming these topics is done so that the idea is focused; 3. Prepare also for writing outlines. Technical Summary of Articles From Journal: 1. Write personal ideas or opinions about the journal; 2. Write the conclusion of the review results, it can be an understanding as well as an opinion in general about the contents of the journal article that will be reviewed; 3. Check similarities and ask others to read. Steps to avoid plagiarism: 1. Copy paste sentences from other people’s papers or articles to be taken idenya; 2. Translate the sentence with the Translate machine into the Indonesian; 3. Fix the resulting Indonesian to a slightly different sentence but the meaning is the same; 4. Use the Translate engine again to translate back new sentences; 5. In the Introduction section try to refer to papers published in journals that are very reputable in your field, the latest.

The last message conveyed by Source 1 is the process of writing or good results of writing kit that depends on our flight hours or means the more we train or make The writing then the results of our writing will be better, and the flow will be clearer. While the last message conveyed by the 2nd Source is if we want to make a work of writing or scientific work that is also sourced from others we must It’s smart to paraphase so that the results we get are like our own,and don’t look like copies,and all the data coming from others has to be done. include the source.

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