Dharu feby smaradhana, st., msc
Research interests in Composites, Materials Characterisation, Structures
Email : dharufs@staff.uns.ac.id; dharufs@gmail.com | Room : Head of Study Programme room, Building I, Faculty of Engineering
My research interests lie in polymer matrix composites. My earlier work was about adhesive development in which I gave fillers in adhesive in order to enhance its mechanical performance. During master programme, my research focused on the shape memory composites without shape memory constituents and interphase of composites, the phase in between the matrix and the fibres. In the next following years, I will work on the environmentally-friendly composites such as recycled polymer composites and nano-cellulose composites both in its manufacturing process and the characterisation especially to tackle global warming issue; I have got funding from LPDP to continue my PhD at Imperial College London (Rank 9 in the world (2019)) under supervision of Dr. Koon-Yang Lee. Besides, I am also the founder of Komposit Indonesia, an online magazzine for giving information about composite written in Bahasa.

Teaching and Lecture Notes
Micromechanical Analysis of Elastic Modulus and Tensile Strength on Randomised Discontinuous Alkali and Heat Treated Kenaf Fiber—Unsaturated Polyester Composites. 2020
Investigating the Effect of Layer Thickness on the Product Quality of PLA Manufactured by 3D Printing Technique. 2020
An Overview of Interface/Interphase Modification in Functional Composites. 2020
Effect of nitrile butadiene rubber (Nbr) on mechanical and tribological properties of composite friction brakes. Tribology in Industry. 2019
- Effect of Filler on Aluminium Bonded with Adhesive-based Epoxy. ARPN Journal. 2016
Grants and Awards:
2. Doctoral Programme Scholarship from LPDP 2018 (Start 2020)
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Address : Ir Sutami no 36 A
Phone : +6271632163
Email: mesin@ft.uns.ac.id | unsmesin@gmail.com
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