Dr. Ir. Wijang Wisnu Raharjo, M.T.
Research interests in natural fiber composites, polymer composites
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Academic Position:
Associate Professor
Administrative Position:
Wijang is interested in the area of natural fibre composites. Previously he has experience working in PT astra agro niaga and PT Pison Agung before deciding to be lecturer at Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Doctor, Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
MT in Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
ST (BSc) in Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

1. The Influence of Chemical Treatments on Cantala Fiber Properties and Interfacial Bonding of Cantala Fiber/Recycled High Density Polyethylene (rHDPE). Raharjo, W.W., Soenoko, R., Irawan, Y.S., Suprapto, A., Journal of Natural Fibers. 2018
2. The Effect of Alkali Treatment toward Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Kenaf Composite. Raharjo, W.W., Sukanto, H., Cahyono,S.I., Putra, K.T.A., and Tjahyono, D.D.P. The 14th International Conference on QIR (Quality in Research). 2015
3. Effect of soaking time in alkali solution on the interfacial shear strength of cantala fiber/recycled HDPE composites. Raharjo, W.W., Sukanto, H., Anwar, M. 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials Science (ICFMS). 2014
2. The Effect of Alkali Treatment toward Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Kenaf Composite. Raharjo, W.W., Sukanto, H., Cahyono,S.I., Putra, K.T.A., and Tjahyono, D.D.P. The 14th International Conference on QIR (Quality in Research). 2015
3. Effect of soaking time in alkali solution on the interfacial shear strength of cantala fiber/recycled HDPE composites. Raharjo, W.W., Sukanto, H., Anwar, M. 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials Science (ICFMS). 2014
4. The effect of core thickness variation of sandwich composite cantala rHDPE on mechanical strength of bending test. Setiadi, A., Raharjo, W.W., Triyono, T. 1st International Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology (ICESNANO) 2016,
Grants and Patents:
Paten no. IDP 000040601 untuk invensi dengan judul Metode Pembuatan Komposit dari serat alam agave cantula roxb dan polyester tak jenuh (UPRs)
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