Surakarta, June 26, 2020 Study Program S1 – Mechanical Engineering, Sebelas Maret University (UNS) held a guest lecture which was conducted online via Via Zoom. This guest lecture was attended by students, lecturers, and also UNS Mechanical Engineering alumni. This guest lecture was titled “OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY”. The speaker at the guest lecture was Sekar Wuri Dewayani, who was an alumni from the University of Mechanical Engineering in March 2008. He was usually called Mbak Sekar or Mbak Dea. Mbak Dea now works as a Well Planner at one of the oil and gas companies in Indonesia, namely PT. Weatherdord Indonesia. Ms. Sekar began her career in October 2008 as an Oil Spill Responder at Slickbar Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. In addition, he also worked in manufacturing.
In a guest lecture it’s different from the norm. This is caused because it is still in the Covid Pandemic 19 situation, so this guest lecture was held online using via Zoom. Participants in this guest lecture were quite a lot, around 132 participants. In this guest lecture, he gave us material on the basics learned in the oil and gas industry in Indonesia, such as: Overview of Drilling Operations, Rig Components, Drilling Services, and also Drilling Plans. In this guest lecture he also shared how he experienced the experience when working in the oil and gas industry in Indonesia.
His motivation from the beginning has been struggling in the field of oil and gas in Indonesia is “NEKAD”. This means that he does not have any provisions relating to the oil and gas industry in Indonesia, bearing in mind that he graduated from Mechanical Engineering, not Petroleum Engineering, but he likes things that exceed his comfort zone, meaning he likes new things which he does not know and master. But there are still Mechanical Engineering lessons related to the world of oil and gas such as: Basic Physics, Energy Conservation, etc. And his superiority compared to other graduates is that he is proficient in designing images using Autocad, which he has long studied in Mechanical Engineering.
The tricks and ways that he can understand the world of oil and gas is that when we are received, we will receive training from the company, and there will also be a Competency Test, so we will continue to be motivated to continue learning, and fortunately we learn about things new one but we remain on salary. In addition, he also said not to be afraid to try new things because there will always be people who will help us when we experience difficulties.
Many people doubt that the oil and gas world in Indonesia is indeed a promising start, but in the long run the price of oil and gas in the world is falling, and also its supply is getting less and less. He responded with “That in the world of work no one can guarantee how the future of the work. Every job has its own risks and dependencies. We as humans can only be sure of the decisions we make, and we must be sure that the work we take going forward is a plan from God that is good for us. He also advised women who are interested in the world of oil and gas so they are not inferior and don’t be afraid to try new things using Planning Career. “Said Ms. Dea (Surakarta, June 26, 2020)