As a form of Higher Education Tri Dharma, Lecturers of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University carry out Community Service activities which are held in Karangasem Village, Bulu District, Sukoharjo. Activities have been carried out by providing an investment stimulus in the form of outdoor fitness equipment.
This community service aims to help develop the tourism potential of Mount Pegat in Karangasem Village. Mount Pegat Tourism is a new tourism location that is being developed by the local government. The local government wishes to develop tourist attractions that are integrated with adequate sports facilities. With the existence of adequate sports facilities, it can be used as a tourist attraction and also as a means of socializing health to the community. So it is hoped that the public is aware to be active in physical activity to maintain body fitness.
To help develop tourism potential on Mount Pegat, lecturers and students who are members of the Group Research in the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS are designing outdoor fitness equipment, including Elliptical Trainers, Body Press, Body Twist, and Pull Down. These outdoor fitness tools have been designed to be used by all types of society, including people with disabilities.
“Making the design of this tool is an application of the subject matter that has been obtained in Mechanical Engineering UNS, among them are Drawing Machines, Production Processes, Selection of Materials and Processes, Mechanical Elements, Welding Engineering, Engineering Design, and others. It is hoped that this activity can apply the theories obtained on campus to be applied in making products needed by the wider community. ” – Zainal Arifin. The design is carried out by applying safety standards and is also in accordance with the conditions of outdoor equipment placement.

The service is carried out through several stages, including the process of identifying the place, design of tools, analysis of tools, preparation of materials, production processes, installation, and submission to the local government. The tools were fabricated in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of Sebelas Maret University. The design results have been installed and can operate properly. Hopefully this outdoor fitness equipment adds to the tourist attraction of Mount Pegat and can be used by the community to exercise, said Mr. Bambang as the Head of Karangasem Village, Bulu, Sukoharjo. To maintain the usefulness of this tool, it is hoped that the management will carry out routine maintenance.

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