Sebelas Maret University Mechanical Engineering (UNS) received an A accreditation based on a decree numbered 3199 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / VIII / 2019. The implementation of the accreditation from BAN-PT on August 23, 2019 and the decision letter signified UNS Mechanical Engineering Accreditation A August 27 2019 – August 27, 2024.
The results of the accreditation A prove that the Mechanical Engineering study program has fulfilled the criteria of the accreditation assessment requirements which include: The curriculum of each educational program; lecturer and student achievements; teaching and learning process; research and community service and cooperation with foreign universities. At present every tertiary institution, both public and private, must carry out accreditation. Hopefully with this result in the future UNS Mechanical Engineering can be more developed and advanced.