Boyolali, 7 July 2023-Community Service at Mekarsari Park, located in Kaligentong Village, Gladagsari District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java, was carried out by a team of structural and functional materials research group, Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret. This service is carried out by making playground rides in the form of rope climbing obstacles which are applied in Mekarsari Park. This ride is an obstacle course where children are required to climb a rope with several obstacles on their way. Through this vehicle it is hoped that it can increase children’s confidence and agility in facing obstacles.

The management of Mekarsari Park is very grateful to the service team, because the rides in the form of rope climbing obstacles can fill open empty spaces that can be used as a place for children to play and study. This supports the three functions of the Mekarsari Park, namely the function of maintaining river and environmental sustainability, the function of a recreation area for community members and educational facilities, and the function of culinary business facilities and marketing of MSME products.
The hope of the service team is to show that this mechanical engineering course is very applicable to solving problems that exist in society, for example making a children’s playground. The application is carried out by designing and building with careful calculations so that the vehicle can be installed outdoors on sufficient land and after being tested it can function properly. Hopefully the dedication of the Universitas Sebelas Maret Mechanical Engineering study program can bring benefit and prosperity to the people who visit Mekarsari Park in general.