Boyolali, 7 July 2023-Lecturers and students who are members of the Non-Metal Technology and Processing Research Group, Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret made a vehicle at Mekarsari Park in the form of a panoramic bridge. The panoramic bridge is one of the children’s play facilities in the shape of a suspension bridge which is expected to foster self-confidence. Making the vehicle is a form of Community Service that is implemented at Mekarsari Park which is located in Kaligentong Village, Gladagsari District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java.

The service is carried out to meet the need for the use of open empty space as a place for children to play and study. It can be seen that playing in the garden can grow and develop children, including learning and training children’s dexterity from an early age. The service is carried out by applying courses in mechanical engineering to solve problems that exist in society, for example making a children’s playground. The manufacture is carried out by paying attention to the design on sufficient land and after we have tested it, it’s can function properly.
The servant hopes that our dedication from the mechanical engineering study program can bring benefit and prosperity to the people who visit Mekarsari Park in general. In addition, the results of the dedication can support the functions of the park in Mekarsari Park in the form of maintaining river and environmental sustainability, the function of recreational areas for community members and educational facilities, and the function of culinary business facilities and marketing of MSME products.