mechanical engineering
universitas sebelas maret
News and events

Manufacturing Rope Climbing Rides at Mekarsari Tourism Park in Kaligentong Village, Boyolali Regency to Increase Tourism Potential and Build Children’s Confidence
Boyolali, 7 July 2023-Community Service at Mekarsari Park, located in Kaligentong Village, Gladagsari District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java,

Fabrication of Hand Swing Rides at Mekarsari Tourism Park in Kaligentong Village, Boyolali Regency to Increase Tourism Potential and Develop Children’s Motoric Abilities
Boyolali, 7 July 2023-Sustainable Thermofluids research group. Previously, the Universitas Sebelas Maret Mechanical Engineering Study Program through Lecturers

Installation a Panorama Bridge Ride at the Mekarsari Tourism Park in Kaligentong Village, Boyolali Regency to Increase Tourism Potential and Community Education
Boyolali, 7 July 2023-Lecturers and students who are members of the Non-Metal Technology and Processing Research Group, Mechanical
About Us
Our History
The establishment of Mechanical Engineering Program (PSTM) of Engineering Faculty of Sebelas Maret University had been started since 1996 by founding the engineering Skills Education Program (PPKT), which cooperated with Indonesia vocational training center (BLKI) in Surakarta, and seven staff recruitment process as lecturer in that year. Started with the establishment of diploma program (D3) on August 1997 and strenghtened by the decree of minister of education and culture department number 33/DIKTI/Kep/1999 on 17th February, 1999. The establisment of Mechanical Engineering Program had been continued by the founding of the bachelor program (S1) since 1998 by the decree of General Directorate DIKTI number 53/DIKTI/Kep/1998 which had been continued to 2009 by the establishment of Magister Program (S2) based on General Directorate decree DIKTI DEPDIKNAS 2331/D/T/2009, and the last was the establishment of the Doctoral Program (S3) in 2016 based on the decree of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Minister number 62/KPT/I/2016 on 1st February, 2016.
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Our Vision
Being an Internationally excellent study program in education, research, and community service in mechanical engineering field which is based on the noble values of the national culture.
Our Mision
- To perform education which produces graduates who master the basic science of mechanical engineering and are able to adapt to the current competency standards by promoting the development of an academic atmosphere based on national culture values.
- To produce research which leads to the development of science and technology that excels in the field of advanced materials and new energy.
- To carry out devotion to the community by utilising research results and solving engineering problems in the industry.
Our Target
- Excelling in education and student affairs.
- Excelling in research and community services.
- Excelling in facility management, infrastructure, and science.
- Excelling in human resource.
- Excelling in governance and partnership.
Our Goal
- Produces graduates who master the basic science of mechanical engineering and be able to adapt current standart competence.
- Produces research which oriented in developing science and technology which leads in advanced material and new energy.
- Carry out Community service by harnessing the research products.
- Establish partnership cooperation with government agencies, industries and society.
- Develop its human resource capabilities.
Contact Us:
Address : Ir Sutami no 36 A
Phone : +6271632163
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© 2019 Teknik Mesin UNS.