Mechanical Engineering
The Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University (PSDITM-FTUNS) was established in 2016 by Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 62/KPT/I/2016 dated 1 February 2016. The official who signed the PSDITM-FTUNS Establishment Decree was Ainun Na’im. Implementation of PSDITM-FTUNS learning begins in the odd semester of August-January 2016/2017.
At the beginning of its establishment, PSDITM-FTUNS was under the management of the Sebelas Maret University Postgraduate Program. To increase management efficiency, since January 1 2017 based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Sebelas Maret University Number 209/UN27/HKI/2017, the management of PSDITM-FTUNS moved from the Postgraduate Program (Pascasarjana UNS) to the Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University.
PSDITM-FTUNS has 3 study concentrations, namely renewable energy, renewable energy supporting materials and renewable energy supporting structure design. These three concentrations are supported by 13 Professors and 15 Doctors who are competent in their respective fields. Teaching staff profiles can be seen in Human Resources
The PSDITM-FTUNS Accreditation Rating is UNGGUL based on the Decree of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Engineering Study Program Number: 0450/SK/LAM Teknik/AD/XII/2023.

44 SKS
Time to Complete
Video Profile of the Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering

To become a Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Study Program that excels in research and development of science at the international level based on the noble values of national culture
The missions of Doctoral Programme in Mechanical Engineering, UNS, are as follows:
- To Organise doctoral programme in the field of Mechanical Engineering science and expertise that is efficient, effective, and accountable based on the noble values of national culture.
- To Carry out research in order to develop science and technology in the field of Mechanical Engineering that contributes to the independence and excellence of the nation.
- To organise community service and service as an effort implementation of his Mechanical Engineering knowledge and expertise.
- To establish partnerships both at the national and international levels.
- To realise an efficient, effective, and accountable Doctoral education and learning program in the field of mechanical engineering to produce creative and innovative work
- To produce graduates who are able to make independent research work that is innovative, original and recognized by the international Mechanical Engineering community as a result of the development of new Mechanical Engineering science and technology that benefits mankind.
- To produce research work in the field of Mechanical Engineering at national and international standards published in reputable national and international scientific journals.
- To produce research work in the field of Mechanical Engineering which is a solution to problems in society that results in patents or products.
- To realise service activities as an effort to implement the knowledge and expertise in Mechanical Engineering that he has.
- To realise Partnership Cooperation at the national and international levels.
The curriculum of Doctoral Programme in Mechanical Engineering, UNS, can be classified as structured curriculum. The curriculum in this programme does not only consist of dissertation, but also courses related to the concentration, assignments and seminar which are regulated in the form of SKS (Credits). However, in the learning and teaching process, courses provided in this programme can be classified into two categories: structured and non-structured courses. This is written in UNS Rector regulation No. 17/UN27/HK/2018. There are 16 meetings for structured courses; meeting activities can be in the form of learning in class, presentation, literature review or the combination of those. Furthermore, for non-structured courses, the learning process is conducted independently with the guidance from the supervisor and/or co-supervisor.
Research Methodology and Science Principal
Category: Structured
Credit: 3 SKS
Description: Research Methodology and Science Principal is mandatory courses regulated by UNS, because this course is the fundamental for doctoral candidates to plan their research activities, to find suited testing standards and to process research data. The principal of science is important to teach doctoral candidates about determining and designing research novelty conducted during the doctoral programme.
Elective Course 1
Category: Structured
Credit: 4 SKS
Description: This course is chosen depending on their research area which aims to deepen their knowledge and understandings through journals, books and others related to their research area. This course is determined by their supervisor or co-supervisor.
Elective Course 2
Category: Structured
Credit: 4 SKS
Description: This course is chosen depending on their research area which aims to deepen their knowledge and understandings through journals, books and others related to their research area. This course is determined by their supervisor or co-supervisor.
Research Proposal Plan and Qualification
Category: Non-structured
Credit: 3 SKS
Dissertation 1: Seminar and Proposal Defense
Category: Non -structured
Credit: 4 SKS
Description: This course is to report, explain, and prove their dissertation proposals.
Examiners: Head of Study Programme and two chosen examiners.
Dissertation 2: Seminar of Research Progress and Publication
Category: Non -structured
Credit: 6 SKS
Description: This course is to report the progress of their research. A manuscript of international conference or international journal is required to be submitted.
Examiners: Head of Study Programme, supervisor teams, a lecturer of UNS and an expert from other institutions.
Dissertation 3: Feasibility Test for Dissertation Manuscripts and Works Publication
Category: Non -structured
Credit: 6 SKS
Description: This course is to report the progress of their dissertation, manuscript of publication I, and manuscript of publication II.
Examiners: Head of Study Programme, supervisor teams. a lecturer of UNS and An expert from other institutions.
Dissertation 4: Closed Exam
Category: Non -structured
Credit: 6 SKS
Description: explanation and proof of dissertation manuscript and proof of publications.
Examiners: Director of Post-Graduate Programme, Head of Study Programme, supervisors, a lecturer of UNS, a lecturer of non-UNS
Dissertation 5: Open Exam
Category: Non -structured
Credit: 8 SKS
Description: Promotion of doctoral candidate in UNS post-graduate programme (this is mandatory activity).
Examiners: Rector, Director of Post-Graduate Programme, Dean, Head of Study Programme, supervisors, a lecturer of UNS, a lecturer of non-UNS

Renewable energy

Advanced Materials For Renewable Energy
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