Surakarta, November 06 2022 Prodi S1 – By: Fitrian Imaduddin, Ph.D., Dr. Budi Santoso, Heru Sukanto, M.T., Prof. Dr. Joko Triyono, R. Lullus Lambang G.H., M.T.
As a form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Grip Research on Manufacturing and Automation Technology, Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, has carried out Community Service activities in collaboration with Research and Development Center for Watershed Management Technology (BPPTPDAS) located in Pabelan, Kartasura, PO BOX 295 Surakarta 57102. Community service activities that have been carried out are designing and installing rainfall monitoring tools as part of studies for early warning of flood disasters, especially in the regions Girang River Flow (DAS), Central Java

This community service is carried out in the Garang watershed as part of pilot activities, especially because the Garang watershed is known as an area that goes through various vital areas in Central Java such as the Regency area Semarang and Semarang City are areas with many industrial centers, economic centers and government centers in Central Java. The application of this rainfall monitoring tool is also part of a study conducted by BPPTPDAS in looking at the impact of land conversion that occurs around the watershed Garang as input for the government in controlling the impact of development on environmental sustainability.

To help these efforts, the Manufacturing and Automation Technology Research Group consisting of several lecturers, namely Fitrian Imaduddin, Ph.D., Dr. Budi Santoso, Heru Sukanto, M.T., Prof. Dr. Joko Triyono, R. Lullus Lambang G.H., M.T., assisted by several lecturer colleagues from the Electrical Engineering Study Program, namely Agus Ramelan, M.T. Muhammad Hamka Ibrahim, M.Eng and several students, has designed Build and install rainfall monitoring tools. This tool is designed to be able to continuously monitor rainfall in the upper reaches of the Garang River and send the monitoring results automatically to a data center that accessible to BPPTPDAS. The tool can also automatically send warning messages to relevant parties if the rainfall monitored on the device is found to exceed the threshold value has the potential to cause catastrophic flooding downstream. Thus, evacuation and flood mitigation efforts can be carried out early to prevent casualties