Figure 1 Environmental conditions of the mosque and boarding school dormitory entrepreneurs.


Figure 2 (a) dormitory          (b) computer laboratory  


Figure 3 Conditions of boarding school dormitories in general

Taking into account the available space and the plan to add students for the 2021 study period, the UNS service team proposes a bed design that is integrated with the study desk. This bed is terraced so that it can be occupied by 2 students, and when studying, the bottom bed can be folded to form a study table that is equipped with a study lamp. This bunk bed integrated with the study table is made of 4×6 cm hollow steel for the main structure and 4×4 hollow steel for the accessory structure, while the study table is made of wood. The design of the bunk bed when used for sleeping is as shown in Figure 4(a), while the design of the bunk bed when used for studying is as shown in Figure 4(b).


                            (a) conditions for sleeping                      (b) conditions for learning

Figure 4 Integrated study bed-desk design

Table of stages of community service implementation and problem solutions


Problem Solved

Integrated study bed-desk design and training

Welding Workshop Problem Sumber Rejeki: lack of experience in designing dynamic structures and in reading engineering drawings.

Solution: the UNS service team provided training to the owners and employees of the Sumber Rejeki Welding Workshop on the design of an integrated bunk bed structure with a study table complete with working drawings, dimension calculations and safety factor calculations.

Integrated study bed-desk production process

Welding Workshop Problem Sumber Rejeki: lack of experience in producing dynamic structures.

Solution: Sumber Rejeki Welding Workshop employees carry out a series of integrated study bed-table production processes, while the UNS service team assists the material cutting and welding process.

Handover of integrated study bed-desk

The problem of the Entrepreneurial Islamic Boarding School: the amount of space and study desks is not enough.

Solution: the UNS service team handed over integrated study beds designed by the service team and the production of the Sumber Rejeki welding workshop.

Integrated study bed-desk promotion and marketing

Problems with Entrepreneurial Islamic Boarding Schools: The new Islamic Boarding Schools are not yet known to the public.

The problem of the Sumber Rejeki Welding Workshop: the traditional marketing system so that the product is not yet known in the community.

Solution: the UNS service team promotes integrated study bed-desk products through WA, FB, Telegram, Study Program websites about this activity so that the product is known by stake holders as well as promoting Entrepreneurial Islamic Boarding School. Promotion in the form of photos and videos


The science and technology offered in this service is in the form of an integrated study table-level bed made of hollow steel which is designed in such a way that the product can function as a bed as well as a study table for 2 people. This product has a motion mechanism so that it requires bearings on the motion hinges so that the motion mechanism can run smoothly. Hollow steel was chosen as the material in this product because it is available in various sizes and shapes so that the design can be light but strong. This integrated study desk-bunk product can be easily removed and installed. The following pictures show a technical drawing of an integrated study-decker bunk bed in a sleep state. A technical drawing of an integrated study-decker bunk bed in a study state.​.


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