Boyolali, 7 July 2023-Sustainable Thermofluids research group. Previously, the Universitas Sebelas Maret Mechanical Engineering Study Program through Lecturers and Students conducted Community Service at Mekarsari Park. Mekarsari Park, which is located in Kaligentong Village, Gladagsari District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java, is a form of revitalization of the former community household waste disposal site. Devotion makes use of open empty space to become a place for children to play and study.

It can be seen that playing in the park can grow children, including learning and training children’s dexterity from an early age. Community Service makes rides for playing in the Mekarsari park in the form of hand swings. Hand swing is a vehicle that functions as a medium for children’s games which are expected to develop their motor skills. Making rides is done by paying attention to material and immaterial aspects.
Community Service Hope is carried out to add park rides so that children can be happy. In addition, this vehicle can add to the functions of the Mekarsari Park, namely the function of preserving rivers and the environment, the function of recreational areas for community members and educational facilities, and the functions of culinary business facilities and marketing of MSME products. The results of the service show that the lessons learned in mechanical engineering are very applicable in solving problems in society. hopefully our dedication from this mechanical engineering study program can bring benefit and prosperity to the people who visit Mekarsari Park in general.