D. Danardono Dwi P. T., ST., MT., PhD

Research interests in Wind Energy, CFD

Email : ddanardono@staff.ac.id; danar1405@gmail.com | Room : Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, building I, Floor 1

Academic Position:
Associate Professor
Administrative Position:
Head of Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics

My field is energy conversion with special interest to aerodynamics, wind turbine and design. I have lot of experiences in using CAD software, such as Auto CAD and SolidWorks, modeling cases by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software (StarCD and Ansys). I was involved in the research and development of the national electric car (MOLINA) project as an executive manager and also as a researcher, in 2012-2013 and 2014-2015. Since 2014, I have been developing small scale wind turbines that can be operated in low speed wind and suitable to be installed in high rise building in urban area.

PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University, South Korea.
MT, Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
ST, Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada


1. Study on Performance Improvement of the Savonius Wind Turbine for Urban Power System with Omni-directional Guide Vane (ODGV) . Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija Tjahjana,*, Syamsul Hadi, Yoga Arob Wicaksono, Diniar Mungil Kurniawati, Fahrudin, Ilham Satrio Utomo, Sukmaji Indro Cahyono and Ari Prasetyo. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. 2019.
 2. Study of the wind farm arrangements and wake characteristic using numerical simulation for crossflow wind turbine. Dini Oktavitasari, Prafitri Kurniawan, Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija Tjahjana*, and Saiful Amri Mazlan. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019. 
3. The study of the influence of the diameter ratio and blade number to the performance of the cross flow wind turbine by using 2D computational fluid dynamics modeling. Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija Tjahjana,*, Pradityasari Purbaningrum, Syamsul Hadi, Yoga Arob Wicaksono, and Dimas Adiputra. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. 
4. Wind potential assessment in urban area of Surakarta city. Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija Tjahjana,*, Arnold Thamrin Halomoan, Andreas Wibowo, Dwi Aries Himawanto, and Yoga Arob Wicaksono. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018.

Grants and Patents: 

1. 2017-2019 Head of researcher of Flagship Research of Universities (PUPT) – funded by University of Sebelas Maret (UNS). The research topic is urban wind turbine (vertical axis) for green energy in high rise building. 

2. 2015-2016 Head of researcher of Flagship Research of Universities (PUPT) – funded by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia. The research topic is prototyping of horizontal axis water turbine for green energy in high rise building.

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Email: mesin@ft.uns.ac.id | unsmesin@gmail.com

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