R. Lullus Lambang G Hidajat, ST., MT.

Research interests in Control and Vibration

Email : lulus_l@staff.uns.ac.id

Academic Position:
Assistant Professor
Administrative Position:
Head of D2 in Mechanical Engineering

My research interests are Vibration and Control Engineering. Research in the field of Control Engineering includes simulation of PID controls applied to servomotor, robotic arms and quadcopter. The research also included research in the numerical method, i.e. Finite Element Method and its application using C++ / Matlab programming language. My research interest also includes Signal Processing for vibration signal analysis in particular and general electric signals. The research target for year of 2020-2023 in Control Engineering is to develop unmanned (UV) vehicles that are applied to environmental monitoring as part of disaster management.

MT, Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
ST, Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada


1) R. Lullus Lambang G. Hidayat, Tri Nur Syaifudin, Budi Santoso, 2018, ‘Simulation of Quadcopter with PID controller and Parameters Tuning Using Direct Synthesis Method, Prosiding SNTTM XVII Oktober 2018, hal 139-144 
2) R. Lullus Lambang G Hidayat, Budi Santoso, 2017, Gear fault detection using Wavelet Transformation Method/Morlet Wavelet, Prosiding SNTTM XVI, Okt. 2017, hal. 36-42 
3) R. Lullus Lambang G Hidayat, Budi Santoso, 2017, Detection of gear defects using method of wavelet decomposition and cross-correlation – Experiment to develop a feasible detection method, IJCAET International Conferece, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro 
4) R. Lullus Lambang G. Hidayat, Budi Santoso, 2016, ‘Simulasi Sistem Kontrol Posisi Motor DC dengan Umpan Balik Kecepatan Kontroler-Observer untuk Meningkatkan Trackability Terhadap Position Command, Proceeding Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XV (SNTTM XV) Bandung, 5-7 Oktober 2016

Grants and Patents: 

1. Satyalancana Karya Satya 

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